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HPxD Announces Vacation Rental Design Summit Speakers


The Vacation Rental Design Summit comes back for it's second year ahead of April's High Point Market, April 10-12. Registration is open through April 5.

The Vacation Rental Design Summit comes back for it's second year ahead of April's 2024 High Point Market.

High Point x Design (HPxD) is delighted to announce the speaker lineup for this year’s Vacation Rental Design (VRD) Summit, taking place April 10 - 12 at Congdon Yards in High Point, NC. 

The Summit kicks off with the keynote panel, “Anatomy of a Project.” Moderated by Jessica Duce, principal at JDuce Design, co-owner of Vacation Rental Designers and co-founder of VRD Summit, this high-level discussion will examine the unique project processes of four interior designers — Tiffany Cassidy of Lagnappe Interiors, Nikki Watson of The Design Quad, Kathy Kuo of Kathy Kuo Home and Terri-Leigh Huleis of Found Home Co. Duce will pose questions relating to such topics as client acquisition, billing, sourcing and install. 

“We think about how we can support designers growing their business down to the details,” says Duce. “I’m really excited about our opening keynote panel which features seasoned professionals who will share the A-to-Z process of how they do their business — this is gold!” 

In all, 13 interior designers will share their vacation rental design prowess through presentations, panels and breakout sessions on topics such as brand collaborations, creating shoppable experiences, designing to stop the scroll, and designing for ROI. Among the pros, Debbe Daley Designs, Dann Foley, Jenna Gaidusek Designs, Hearth and Honey Home, Rina Norwood Design, Kristi Hopper, Ishita Interiors and Paula Oblen. Additionally, Linda Holt and Ericka Saurit, former practicing designers turned educators and consultants in their respective realms of photography and branding, will present. Also joining the vacation rental design conversation is home and garden style expert and design influencer Ursula Carmona. 

There are several property managers, and well-known short-term rental industry insiders also making their High Point debut, including globally recognized safety expert Justin Ford, housekeeping specialist Durk Johnson, Lindsey Pleasant from Hostie Vacation Rentals, and the owners from luxury property management company Stay Lake Norman. Tyann Marcink Hammond, the Queen of Guest Experience at Touch Stay, is returning as a speaker. Hammond is part of the VRDS advisory team and will contribute her broad expertise during the Summit. 

“Our team agreed that it was a challenge to finalize the content this year,” reports Jane Dagmi, HPxD Managing Director. “Not only because we received a much greater number of pitches from really interesting and qualified people, but we were also responding to feedback from the last Summit, intent on providing new topics, freshly delivered.” One of Dagmi’s discoveries is Janice Wilson, a technologist and investor, who is creating a “luxury basecamp for couples” at Olympic National Park in Washington. 

In addition to the regular education sessions at Congdon Yards, attendees can sign up for one-on-one mentoring and designer-led showroom tours featuring many of the speakers. 

Registration for VRD Summit closes April 5. The Summit, which launched in 2023, is a collaboration between HPxD and High Point Market Authority, and precedes the official opening of Market on Saturday, April 13. Tickets are $479. 

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